Monday, August 18, 2008

Sorry everyone I have been MIA for so long! we have been out of town and then when we got back I have been getting our house back in order.

Well, Daniel crawled his first few crawl steps like the day after we got back - so he has been perfecting it for the last couple weeks. He is really pretty fast now. He also started pulling himself up to stand just a day or two after his first crawling experience. Yesterday he crawled up a stair at church. So he is very mobile and I have to have the floors clean. I am not the best at keeping clean, but I am trying.

I have been working on my businesses too. I spent all day thurs, fri, and some of sat at the fair doing a Mary Kay booth.

Ben is still looking for a job, but at least he has a job with the temp agency for a couple weeks as a secretary for a sycologyst.


Misty said...

Yay for Daniel! I missed you so much at the reunion! Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to be in Idaho Falls labor day weekend. Can you get together sometime? Just me and the kids are driving down and we're staying with Brenda and Jeff. Also, if you want family pictures...that would be a good time. :)

Jon and Maryanne said...

wow! I cant believe he is crawling already!
I'm glad you finally got a new post up, but where are the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We missed you at the reunion! I can't wait to see Daniel in person!

Jon and Maryanne said...

wow! I cant believe he is crawling already!
I'm glad you finally got a new post up, but where are the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We missed you at the reunion! I can't wait to see Daniel in person!

Savannah said...

Hey, I keep meaning to call you, but I don't have your number. Anyway, do you have my Lia Sophia necklace that was on back order? I think it's been two months since your party, and I would really like to get that from you.


Savannah said...

Thanks for dropping the necklace by! Sorry we didn't get to visit when you came by . . . we'll have to get together sometime soon!

Linda said...

Wow that's great about Daniel crawling. Go Daniel! Are you selling Mary Kay AND Lia Sophia? You're a busy girl.